Sunday, January 26, 2025

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2025

The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity (WPCU) takes place each year from 18 to 25 January. It is an international ecumenical celebration.

You will see below the events that have been organised, so far in Chelmsford. Feel free to attend any or all of these. There is a booklet that accompanies this week which can be downloaded from

The theme for this week

This year celebrates 1,700 years since the Council of Nicaea, the worship for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity (WPCU) has at its heart, the Nicene Creed. Reflecting this, the scripture readings for this year focus on belief.

We are invited to reflect on the story of Martha’s confession of faith in Jesus as narrated in John 11:17-27. Each of us is called to sit with Jesus’ provocative question to Martha: “Do you believe this?”

Sun 19 Jan 19:00  Central Baptist Church, Victoria Road South, CM1 1LN  Day 2: Creation as God’s work.
Tue 21 Jan 09:30  St. Andrew’s Church, The Green, CM2 7RQ  Day 4: The Paschal Mystery: Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus.
Tue 21 Jan 19:30  Life Church Chelmsford, Hall Street, CM2 0HG  Day 4: The Paschal Mystery: Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus.
Wed 22 Jan 10:00  All Saints, Springfield Green, CM1 7HS  Day 5: The Holy Spirit, breath of God
Wed 22 Jan 17:15  Chelmsford Cathedral, CM1 1TY  Day 5: The Holy Spirit, breath of God
Thu 23 Jan 14:00  Religious Society of Friends (Quakers), Rainsford Road, CM1 2QL  Day 6: The Church: Community of believers
Fri 24 Jan 19:00  Chelmsford Community Church, Trent Road, CM1 2LQ  Day 7: Baptism into the Death and Resurrection of the Lord.
This time needs confirmation.