Our Little Free Pantry

Our Little Free Pantry is being well used and is always in need of supplies. We have recently had a new improved version made by Paul Mear (pictured here) being helped by children to refill it. Here is a list of the basic items that are needed. Either bring to church or put into the Little Free Pantry
Pasta | Lentils/beans/pulses | Crisps |
Pasta Sauces but not in glass jars | Baked Beans | Peanut Butter |
Tins of fish | UHT milk | Rice |
Tins of Soup | Tea | Orange Juice (longlife) |
Tins of Meat | Coffee | Toothpaste |
Tins of Vegetables | Cereals | Toothbrushes |
Tinned Fruit | Vegetable Oil | Soap |
Tinned Tomatoes | Biscuits | Shampoo |
Shower Gel | Deodorant | Tampons/sanitary towels |
Baby Milk – 1 & 2 |

If you wish to donate money to help with this project please use this QR code