Thursday, March 27, 2025

About us

Saint Augustine of Canterbury in North Springfield is a very special church. There are two worshipping communities here. This website is for the congregation that includes the Church of England, Methodist and URC. We have members from a variety of backgrounds and traditions, including many whose faith has grown in this church and who feel equally at home in each of the denominations that formally make up St Augustine’s. Our services start at 10.45am each Sunday.

There is also a Roman Catholic community with whom we share the building and with whim we work in partnership. Their service, the Mass, starts at 9.00am and if you want to visit their website or contact the Roman Catholic Priest, you will find their detail on the Contact Us page.

In November 2019, we were delighted to welcome Revd Caroline Brown who joined us as our new Vicar. We are excited to see what God intends for us as we begin this new phase of our church life. In the 16 months that we were without a Vicar, our church community went through a process of reflecting and praying about us and our future and where God is leading us. Out of this came some important ideas. At its heart, we want our church to be:

  • Ecumenical
  • Inclusive
  • Open to progressive ideas and theology

We are also committed to working with other churches around us in Springfield, Beaulieu Park, Boreham and elsewhere so that we aren’t ‘stuck’ within our own parish boundaries and are able to serve all the people around us.

We are an “Ecumenical Partnership”.  Being ecumenical means that different Christian denominations join together at St Augustine’s, which we think is exactly how it should be.  Being a partnership means that we work together, valuing everyone’s contribution, respecting everyone’s viewpoint and enjoying the different traditions and perspectives that come from our roots in the Church of England. Methodist Church and the free churches.

Our services begin at 10:45am on Sunday mornings.  You will find details on the “Our Sunday Services” page.  Our services reflect our commitment to inclusion which means that everyone is welcome regardless of gender, sexual orientation, health or disability, ethnicity or background.  We believe that God’s love is for all.

Various members of our church get involved in leading worship, music, pastoral work and arranging social activities and fundraising.  We try to be a real community.

You will find us opposite The Bishops’ School on the corner of New Bowers Way and Beardsley Drive in North Springfield.