Friday, March 28, 2025

St Augustine’s report for Methodist Circuit Report 2022

This year has been busy and we have done our best when Covid has caused some plans to alter at the last minute. The ‘Little Free Pantry’, began operating at the end of December ’21 and is well used.  The Little Free Pantry was officially opened on Mothering Sunday by the Mayor.  

      It was a pleasure to be able to have Christmas services, as the previous year they were all on Zoom.  We have continued offering Cream Teas  on the occasional Sunday afternoon. This has been a way to meet people who wouldn’t normally come to church, and also have a social afternoon, with delicious scones, cream and jam.

      Last year we signed up to becoming an Eco Church and are continuing our vision to achieve our Bronze award this year. We had a Climate Change Family service and arranged many outdoor activities challenging worshipers to consider recycling and reducing their carbon footprint. Once a month we have a Family Service, and the other weeks we have Sunday School, which we now call  – ‘Team Rainbow’, a name chosen by the children.

      The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee was celebrated with our Catholic friends in the form of a shared meal, singing, quizzes and games.

      ‘Pause for Prayer’, used to be every Tuesday evening but now, on these lovely Summer evenings, we have changed to having a prayerful walk, or garden meditation. We share bible verses, music and enjoy God’s creation.

      ‘Craft & Chat’ was begun at the beginning of the year, and has continued once a month on a Monday. This has been another chance to meet local people who would not normally come to church, but appreciate the friendship and a place to chat. Some members have joined in other church events, now they have got to know us!

      The Litter Picking group, ‘The Springfield Wombles’, continues to meet every Wednesday to try to make a difference. We are a small group who appreciate the friendship and march around Springfield for an hour before Tea! Anyone would be welcome to join us!

      A very successful ‘Messy Church’ took place for children and their families during the Easter Holidays.  We are excited that an ecumenical confirmation service has been planned for the Autumn and we are looking in to investing time with the ‘Anna Chaplaincy’.

         Best wishes to you all from everyone at St Augustine’s Ecumenical Church, Springfield.

Pamela Scammell, Methodist Steward