About Our Vision
At St Augustine’s we thought and prayed about our vision, what God is calling us to next. We did this by listening to God, each other and ourselves focusing on our strengths and what has inspired us in the past, listening to each others stories, noticing what we value and our wishes/prayers for our church in the future.
People took part in 2 ways:
- We had the discussions as part of our services in February.
- Over 20 people filled in a questionnaire so they could have their say.
The questionnaires were returned before end of February 2021 and the Church Development Group met and discussed the results. As part of our AGM on Sunday 25th April 2021 the results were fed back and Our Vision for St Augustine’s was revealed:

The next stage is to look at ways to make the various elements of the vision become reality.
Things are happening!
Come and join in.